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Membeli berarti setuju Mohon untuk membaca deskripsi barang terlebih dahulu. Setelah barang diterima Wajib di video unboxing Apabila tidak ada video unboxing, kami Tidak menerima komplain dalam bentuk apapun MH27S1 * Reduces screen glare * Improves viewing experience * Shields work and adds privacy * Easy to install, easy to remove * Convenient access slot for calibrator devices Product Overview: Ambient light can have drastic effects on the way you perceive the color on your monitor screen, which can ultimately affect any work you attempt to edit. The ViewSonic Professional Monitor Hood helps to reduce screen reflections and glare, thereby improving your viewing experience and ensuring that you see colors accurately. The hood is easy to install and quickly attaches to your monitor with included elastic straps, and folds for easy storage when not in use. The hood also features a convenient slot to accommodate color calibration devices nb : * Selama produk tayang = Ready stok * Barang yang sudah di beli tidak bisa dikembalikan * Pastikan alamat pengiriman telah benar. kesalahan alamat bukan tanggung jawab kami * Untuk pertanyaan & keluhan bisa langsung chat admin kami Terima kasih. Happy shopping ?
Berhasil Memasukkan Barang Kedalam Keranjang !
Free Ongkir seluruh Indonesia, nantikan di 12.12!
Gebyar 11/11 - 17/02/2024 Hadiah Melimpah!
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